So where are we now? In our previous article we already mentioned our excuses for not keeping ourselves moving and how we can break through this. If we look back on the steps that have already been taken, it is clear that it is perfectly possible to find an optimal balance in your lifestyle. Provided that 3 conditions are met:
- Carefully rescheduling your time investment.
- Make the right choice for an activity that suits you and is achievable.
- Setting specific objectives.
So far so good.
Yet we all experience that it is terribly difficult to maintain that consistent rhythm. Even though we know very well what to do: for many it is a process of trial and error. But repackaging it is important to get closer and closer to your goal. You will get there if you persevere!
So where are we now? You are already a better version of yourself if you do in practice what you didn’t even think possible before. To avoid relapsing into old patterns, I’ll go through some tips and tricks with you. Anything that can help you to be consistent in your new rhythm.

- Define sub-targets. First of all, it is important to keep the small steps in mind. Every week. Look for and take care of those small victories from which you can draw courage to continue and persevere. Not achieving your subgoals does not mean you have failed! It means that every day you get a chance to redirect your focus. And to adjust if yesterday didn’t turn out the way it should.
- Reward yourself. Why shouldn’t you? You’re becoming a better version of yourself, so you should be proud of that. Book that reward in your diary, so that you remind yourself of what it means to achieve your goals. It boosts your self-confidence and gives you extra energy to keep going -if it’s the right thing to do.
- Share your action. Throw it into the group and say that you are in the process of becoming a better version of yourself. This way it becomes a bit of a competition against yourself but with an audience like your friends, family or colleagues. This is a fun way to interact with your surroundings. Bet you’ll soon push each other towards those victories? Also as a group you can work with rewards. Set a goal together and set a reward for all participants. In our team we have made it a step-by-step challenge.
For each of us there is a method to stay on the right track. But I believe that with the above tips you already have 3 crucial focus points to consistently do what you say. Focus on the small victories you can realize, reward yourself for that and share it with your community.
Good luck and keep up the good work!