How to be happy (the Finnish way). The World Happiness Report shows that the majority of employees worldwide often feel unhappy in their lives. That’s why we wanted to show you that there are still people who actually feel happy.
Scandinavian country Finland is famous for its high-end education, gender equality, social support, long paid paternity leaves, etc… Thanks to a lot of these programs and their way of living, Finns rank very high when it comes to measuring the level of happiness with their everyday lives. Here are 3 insights on how Finns experience Happiness.
1. Connection with Nature
How to be happy (the Finnish way). Finns are known for spending a big deal of their time in nature. Stating that nature is a big part of life in Finland, is an understatement. A lot of them believe that their unique relationship with nature is one of the biggest contributors to their well-being.
The fact that a national park is only one bus ride away from the capital of Helsinki, says it all. Whether it is gliding through one of the fjords with your kayak, sleeping in a tent in the wilderness or going for a walk in the wide forests… they all add up to the happiness. Even studies represent the fact that spending time in nature reduces stress.
With this information in mind, the concept of Rent-A-Finn shouldn’t surprise you. This is a contest from Business Finland where you can win a full trip to discover Finland together with a Finnish guide in order to fully experience how Finns experience nature to improve happiness.
2. Relax to the max
Their appreciation for a slow way of living is another contributor to happiness. A lot of Finns often have five weeks of annual vacation (required by the Finnish law) and taking four full weeks in the summer is no exception.
Most of their nights, Finns also visit their sauna. It is the most popular way they relax and is very well related to the way Finns experience nature.

3. You can jokamiehenoikeus
Jokamiehenowhat? In other words: the freedom to roam wherever you want. Yes, in most of the Scandinavian countries, it is authorised by law to make temporary use of land in natural areas and even private property. To give you some examples: it is legally allowed to go wherever you want and stay the night in your tent without permission or pick some vegetables or whatever you can get your hands on freely.
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More info on the World Happiness Report can be found here.