Hercules Trophy 2016: what a blast! Thousands corporate athletes have given their all during the -by times very exhausting- labours in variable weather conditions. The weather didn’t hold them back in even the slightest way. It has been an amazing team building and networking weekend. And it’s all thanks to you!
Why use a thousand words if one picture can tell the story:

It was an eager crowd, looking to expand your boundaries and meeting new people, as well as bonding with colleagues. Remarkably, the terms “rough morning” doesn’t apply to Hercules Trophy participants, as literally everyone got swept away by our dance instructor Kelly’s warming-up act.
That’s a good thing too, seeing how the labours required their full strength. With some focusing on endurance, others on tactics, others yet again on teamwork or pure technique, the labours altogether formed a beautiful representation of everything you need at work.

Not just the adults had the grand time: the children had their very own herculean experience as well. With tailor-made labours like the bungee-run, a mini O2Run, the death-ride, kayaks, sbykes, trikkes, archery and pamper pole, the little ones faced some proper challenges. And they absolutely loved it!
The labours weren’t the only thing young and old could agree on, as the catering by Landlopers was very much appreciated. On Saturday +4,000 fans watched the Red Devils’ soccer performance at Euro2016 –what a match and what a way to experience it!

The labours, in combination with the terrific party, turned the day into a teambuilding event that’s unmatched across the globe. Now, all that’s left to do is reminiscing over the days past and looking forward to next year.
The total ranking can be found here: June 17th, June 18th and June 19th. All pictures and videos will be online soon and the selfies have been published (part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).
See you next year, Herculeans!