Crew = “Crewcial”. We want you! Good news: due to our phenomenal growth we are looking for extra crew.
You’ve probably heard the news by now: the first Hercules Trophy Antwerp is about to take place (21 May). The Hercules Trophies at De Nekker, Mechelen aren’t far-off anymore too, as the 17th, 18th and 19th of June are less than two months away.
Do you have what it takes to shape our extraordinary event with us? Do you try to live by the Herculean values and beliefs? All we ask of you is that you’re motivated, love to work in team, like to laugh and love to have fun. Knowing how to party, certainly is a bonus.

Apart from free access and a free official CREW t-shirt, you’ll get numerous rewards as well. First of all, your volunteer certificate is something that stands out on your resume. On top of that, you’ll be working (which roughly translates to having a laugh) in the midst of thousands of business people, of which at least some of them are looking for people just like you.
What about seeing corporate businessmen and women driving golf carts while being blindfolded for instance, or seeing how they run through an insanely long (175 meter) inflatable? In fact, it’s more than just seeing them do it, it’s evaluating them. For once, you’ll be their boss. Definitely a once in a lifetime experience!
The Herculean family welcomes you with open arms. We know that having tons of fun can make you hungry, so we’ve arranged free breakfast and lunch for all crewmembers, as well as free dinner, where you’ll enjoy the biggest barbecue party you’ve seen in your life.
Speaking of a party, you’ll be done working around six p.m. –just in time for you to enjoy the barbecue, awards ceremony and… the famous Hercules Trophy afterparty, free of charge of course. This year, we’re bringing Tomorrowland to Park Spoor Noord and De Nekker with world-class DJ’s like DJ Mystique, Nexuz, DJ Makasi, and others that’ll be announced really soon. In fact, IT’S YOUR JOB TO GO CRAZY!
As to what you’ll be doing: it’s up to you –if you enroll fast, that is. There’s plenty of choice left right now, ranging from monitor to marshall to Hercules-representative to butler to hospitality crew and much more.
By now you’re interested, but you’re still hesitating a little since you don’t know anyone within the organization. Well, that’s not an issue: rally your friends and enroll together. The more the merrier! And if you come alone, you will make new friends for life!
You can enroll for all, some or even just one Hercules Trophy.

When and where?
1. Antwerp, Park Spoor Noord on Saturday 21 May 2016
2. Mechelen, De Nekker on Friday 17 June 2016
3. Mechelen, De Nekker op Saturday 18 June 2016*
4. Mechelen, De Nekker op Sunday 19 June 2016
*We at Herculean are huge fans of the Belgian Red Devils and we’re aware of the fact that they’ll be playing against Ireland at 3 p.m. sharp on the 18th June. We can’t tell you everything yet, but keep an eye on our blog and you’ll see that we’ve taken more than just our precautions!
If you’re interested, please contact Katleen De Boeck at Xtra-interim
We’ll see you soon!